Mr. Bootsman Monologue.3


Ever since some time ago the voices of the ancestors
has been on my mind.
So many things and matters to think about,
in this age where so many things and matters exist.
The boots is one of them.
Then let us ask them.
The creators of the boots, the specialists.
You will only find true, real information here.



Eric joined White’s Boots when he was 18. He has been building boots for 28 years since then. Craftsmanship is what Eric is all about. Progression is daily and he never stopped over the years. He is White’s Boots’ most respected boot maker and number one craftsman. He is still making boots, and at the same time overlooks the whole process as factory manager, keeping the quality standards higher than yesterday, which makes White’s Boots the king of boots.
18歳でWhite’sに入って以来、現在に至るまで28年間White’s Bootsを支えてきているEric氏。確固たる技術、完成度に妥協しない精神でWhite’s BootsのNo.1ブーツメーカー(靴職人)として絶対の信頼を得ている。長きに渡ってブーツメーカーとして活躍してきているが、現在は工場長として全体の運営も行い、世界最高峰のブーツブランドと称されるWhite’s Bootsのクオリティ、地位を揺るがないものにするべく尽力している。

Why did you choose to work at WHITE’S BOOTS?
What was your motivation or trigger to join White’s boots?

I chose to work at Whites Boots to follow in my father’s footsteps. My father Gary March raised our family while working at Whites. It has been around 100 years so I thought I could raise my family too.

父と同じ道を歩む為にWhite’s Bootsで働き始めました。父であるGary MarchはWhite’sで働きながら、私たち家族を養い、私もまた自分の家族をWhite’sが持つ100年の歴史と共に養っていけると感じたからです。
Mr. Bootsman
What is the appeal point for WHITE’S BOOTS? Why does White’s Boots attract people’s eye?

The appeal of a Whites Boot in America is the comfort and durability. The high arch in the shank helps support your back by making you stand up straighter which helps your body with fatigue. Whites Boots where originally made for loggers who worked in the forest cutting down trees. Now construction workers, farmers and ranchers as well as many more where Whites Boots with pride.

アメリカにおけるWhite’s Bootsの魅力とは正に快適さと堅牢さです。シャンクによるアーチにより姿勢を正し、足にかかる疲労を和らげることにより背中をサポートしています。元来、White’s Bootsは森で木を伐採するロガー(きこり)のために作られたのが起源となっています。現在での建設作業員や農場・牧場労働者に相当し、またそれはWhite’s Bootsが誇りを持っている場所そのものです。
Mr. Bootsman
What is the most particular point for WHITE’S BOOTS?

The reason most people buy Whites Boots is how long they last. They are a very sturdy boot with lots of support and can be rebuilt for half the cost of a new pair.

多くの人がWhite’s Bootsを買い求める理由、それは継続性・持続性にあります。それらは多くのサポートと共に、非常に頑強なブーツであり、新品の半分の価格で”Rebuild” を行うことができます。
Mr. Bootsman
Which points are you focusing on among the process of production? Any consciousness?

I personally have made Whites boots for 28 years. I figure I have made over 50,000 pair. Now I am the head trainer for Whites Boots. Using my years of experience to help others learn the art of boot making. For the last 2 years I have been training 3 Japanese students on how to build Whites Boots. It takes years to get really good at making boots.

私、個人的には28年間White’s Bootsを作り続け、その数は50,000足を超えています。そして現在ではヘッドトレーナーを務めています。私の幾年もの経験がみんなにブーツ作りの技術と美徳を教える手助けをしていると自負しています。ここ2年間では、3名の日本人研修生にWhite’s Bootsのトレーニングを行っています。事実、White’sのブーツを作るのには何年もかかります。
Mr. Bootsman
When do you feel satisfaction when you are making the boots?

I feel most satisfied when I can see the finished product. Knowing that I made the boots and someone will enjoy wearing them for a lifetime.

Do you have any point of awareness when wearing boots?
(how do you keep in mind when wearing boots?)

I have worn the same pair of Whites boots to work for 28 years. They have been rebuilt one time. It takes a little time for your feet to break them in but once you do there is no other boot that’s more comfortable.

What kind of impression do you have toward Japan?

I think the Japanese are very hard working people. Working with my Japanese students the last 2 years I have learned how respectful they are of others. I also learned that they are just like me and that family means everything. Some day I would really like to take my wife on a vacation to Japan and learn more about your culture.

Could you please give your messages for WHITE’S BOOTS fan in Japan?

My message to all the Whites Boots fans in Japan is the first pair you buy will not be your last. Once you wear them you will want more. We will still be making them the same way we always have. One quality pair at a time.

日本にいるWhite’s Bootsのファンに対してのメッセージは、“最初の一足が最後の一足ではない”ということです。一度履くともっと欲しくなってしまうのがWhite’s Bootsなのです。私たちはずっと変わらずブーツを作り続けます。
One quality pair at a time.(一足一足を上質に)
Mr. Bootsman
Do you have any recommended either style or model for beginner
who will wear White’s Boots at the first time?
Then, what was the reasons you recommended that style?

I would recommend a semi dress for your first pair. You can wear them for a casual night out, or for a very formal ocassion as well.

What is your most favorite model of White’s boots?
Which model do you want to ware for the next?

My favorite pair of Whites is the pair I just built. A pair of black chromexcel and black cordovan semi dress shoes. Comfortable and stylish too.

Mr. Bootsman
What are you doing on holiday or weekends?

I spend most of my free time in the great outdoors. Going fishing and hunting in the many lakes that we have in America.

Mr. Bootsman
What is “WHITE’S BOOT’S” for you?

Whites Boots has been a way of life to me. It’s giving me and my wife the ability to live the American Dream. Owning our own house and raising 6 great children.

私にとってWhite’s Bootsは生き方そのものです。家を持ち、6人の子供たちに恵まれるといったアメリカンドリームに生きる力を私と妻に授けてくれました。
Mr. Bootsman
Mr. Bootsman 1

Gary March

Mr. Bootsman 2

Atsushi Matsushima

Mr. Eric
